It’s time to end the Southwest Management Taxing District (SWMD) and finally bring fellow property owners the tax relief we all deserve.
It's appalling how much of your tax dollars are spent on projects that benefit only a few. Many of these projects are redundant, accomplishing nothing that is not currently covered by our city taxes.
Below is a short list of outrageous expenses that will shock you.
It takes just 50 real property owners to sign a petition agreeing that commercial property owners should be taxed by the SWMD--those 50 owners decide the fate of about 1000 other businesses. But it takes two-thirds of commercial property value in the SWMD to sign a petition to stop it! How is that a fair setup?
As it stands, 50 small property owners in the district who own half a million in total property value have forced a massive tax hike on owners of $2.8 billion in total property value. This means that a majority of business owners can be held hostage by a small minority of well-connected business owners who represent only a small portion of the total property value.
To end this, we are asking owners to band together against this government taxing entity that is taking advantage of us. We can end it by signing a petition to dissolve the SWMD.
Are you happy with the return you have gotten from the money you have paid? Could you use your own dollars more efficiently? Please join me and other property owners in signing the petition. It is your legal right to dissolve SWMD to stop wasteful taxation.
I know there's a lot going on in the world right now, but this may be one of the few chances you have in life to sign a short petition and immediately eliminate a huge tax.
If you’d like to know more ways SWMD is wasting your tax dollars, or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at (701) 347-1072 or email us at
to the Management Company responsible for establishing SWMD and other districts.
two companies to read city water meters, maintain landscaping, and perform litter pick-up.
to a private firm to monitor several district cameras and license plate readers.
to Houston Police Department for Training Ammunition and firearms upgrades.
to another management district for graffiti abatement the city of Houston would do.
to one board member to rent his office space for board meetings.
Source: SWMD Budget January 2019 to January 2020